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What Is A Green Roof?

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Aug 16, 2023

As South African's we've all been forced to reconsider the way we build or renovate our homes as relying on the grid is more of a hope and a prayer than a basic public utility where you get what you paid for, with load-shedding now a permanent part of our lives. 

While load-shedding is a national concern, as Cape Townians, we're also aware of the limitations of our local water supply, a precious resource we cannot take for granted. We all remember how scary the approach to day zero was, and with that came a host of innovative home upgrades to help homes become more environmentally friendly. 

What is a green roof?

A green roof is a roof or roofing extension that is partially or completely covered with vegetation along with high-quality waterproofing, drainage system, root repellent system, filter cloth, water capturing facilities and solar power. Green roofs have temperature-moderating effects, reducing demand for power plants.

Green roofs can be installed on new buildings or on existing roofs. They can be used on commercial buildings, residential buildings, and even small structures like sheds and gazebos, so how you implement them or split them up across your property is up to you. 

You could have one part of the roof focusing on water capture while another part of the roof is dedicated to your solar, this will also depend on the size and access to your roof, and you would need to have a consultation to look at your options. 

There are two main types of green roofs: extensive and intensive. 

  1. Extensive green roofs are low-maintenance and have a thin layer of soil and vegetation. 
  2. Intensive green roofs are more complex and can support a wider variety of plants.

What is the purpose of a green roof?

Green roofs are an effective solution to help reduce energy grid reliance when cooling or heating buildings since provides a shadow for the roof layer, wind barrier, insulation, and evapotranspiration, the transfer of water from the land to the atmosphere via evaporation.

Aside from a reduction in energy costs, green roof vegetation can help clean the air through the filtration of noxious gases and capturing airborne pollutants; at the same time, it aids in decreasing carbon dioxide in the environment and prevents the release of other polluting by-products into the atmosphere.

Another unique benefit of green roofs for South Africans is their ability to obfuscate certain items in your home, such as your air conditioning, Jojo tanks, solar panels, or security cameras. 

Green roofs offer a number of benefits, including:

  • Reduced energy costs: Green roofs can help to reduce energy costs by providing insulation and shading.
  • Improved air quality: Green roofs can help to improve air quality by absorbing pollutants and releasing oxygen.
  • Increased stormwater retention: Green roofs can help to reduce flooding by absorbing stormwater.
  • Enhanced biodiversity: Green roofs can provide a habitat for birds, insects, and other wildlife.
  • Increased property value: Green roofs can increase the property value of a building.

How green roofs work

A green roof is made up of several layers, including:

  • The waterproofing layer: This layer protects the roof from leaks.
  • The drainage layer: This layer helps to distribute water evenly across the roof.
  • The growing medium: This layer provides nutrients and support for the plants.
  • The plants: The plants on a green roof help regulate temperature, manage stormwater, and improve air quality.

Green roofs work by absorbing sunlight and heat. This helps to cool the roof and the surrounding air. The plants on a green roof also help to absorb pollutants and release oxygen.

The cost and maintenance of green roofs

The cost of a green roof depends on the type of roof, the size of the roof, and the materials used. Extensive green roofs are typically less expensive than intensive green roofs.

The maintenance requirements for a green roof also depend on the type of roof. Extensive green roofs require less maintenance than intensive green roofs. However, all green roofs require some level of maintenance, such as weeding, watering, and pest control.

The future of green roofs

Green roofs are not a one-size-fits-all and offer several features and benefits, and you can customise and upgrade them as you see fit. It could be as simple as ensuring you have some vegetation and insulation on your roof, along with capturing stormwater to something more comprehensive, like having solar and wind energy capturing added to your setup. 

Green roofs are becoming increasingly popular as people become more aware of their environmental benefits. There are a number of government incentives available to encourage the use of green roofs. As the technology for green roofs continues to develop, they are expected to become more affordable and easier to maintain. This will make them even more attractive to homeowners and businesses.

Create the ideal home. 

Future-proofing your home should not have to be a stressful experience; with professional guidance, you can create a space that's not only functional but also adds value to your home and quality of life.

If you're still unsure about your renovation plans and want to speak to a professional, please feel free to reach out to our team for a consultation, and we'll be happy to walk you through some of the options and even create a 3D model of possible ideas. 

Once you're ready to move from the idea phase to the building phase, our team will be ready to support you, source materials from high-quality suppliers and help you build your dream space. 

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