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Tips For Balcony Extensions

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Aug 17, 2023

As many of us start to spend more time in our homes, either due to working from home or because we've made it far too comfortable to want to leave, we might find attributes of our home that is not to our taste or lacking. Living in Cape Town, we're blessed with many sunny days, and to take advantage of all that, having a space that bridges the indoors and the outdoors is essential.  

A balcony is a platform that projects from the exterior of a building and is the perfect place to enjoy the sun, ocean breeze or step out to get some fresh air. A balcony can be used for various purposes, such as relaxing, entertaining, gardening and of course braaiing.

Balconies can provide a sense of space and openness, and they can also increase the value of your home. They can also be a great place to enjoy the outdoors if you have limited yard space.

Types of balconies

A balcony can come in different shapes and sizes and have different designs, depending on the available space. In some cases, you might have to create an extension outside the home; in other compact homes, you might need to reclaim an area inside the home.

There are different types of balconies, including:

  • Juliet balconies: These are small balconies that are only accessible from one side.
  • French balconies: These are balconies that are enclosed by railings on three sides.
  • Open balconies: These are balconies that are not enclosed by railings.
  • Covered balconies: These are balconies that have a roof or awning to protect them from the elements.

From expanding your balconies to design tricks to make the area look bigger, here are a few balcony extension ideas to make the most of your outdoor spaces

Planning your balcony

The first step in building or extending a balcony is to plan your project. This includes choosing the right location, getting the necessary permits, and setting a budget.

When choosing a location for your balcony, consider the following factors:

  • The size of your home
  • The amount of sunlight the area receives
  • The views from the area
  • The type of balcony you want to build
  • The security aspects and access to the balcony
  • The features you wish your patio to have 
  • The best way to use the floor space available and how much you require and if extensions are needed.

You will also need to get the necessary permits from your local government. The requirements for permits vary from place to place, so you should contact your local building department for more information.

Finally, you need to set a budget for your project. The cost of building or extending a balcony can vary depending on the size and complexity of the project.

Building or extending your balcony

Once you have planned your project, you can start building or extending your balcony. The materials you will need will depend on the type of balcony you are building. For example, if you are building a wooden balcony, you will need lumber, screws, and nails.

The steps involved in building or extending a balcony will also vary depending on the type of balcony you are building. However, the following are some general steps that you will need to follow:

  1. Prepare the site. This includes clearing the area and levelling the ground.
  2. Build the frame. This is the foundation of your balcony.
  3. Attach the railings. This will help to keep you safe.
  4. Install the flooring. This can be made of wood, concrete, or other materials.
  5. Add any finishing touches, such as plants or furniture.

Finishing touches

Once you have built or extended your balcony, you can add any finishing touches that you want. This could include adding plants, furniture, or other decorations. You should also maintain your balcony regularly to keep it looking its best.

Basking on your balcony 

Building or extending a balcony can greatly add value to your home, and enjoy the outdoors. By following these tips, you can ensure that your project is a success and becomes a feature of your home you will enjoy for many years to come. 

Create the ideal home. 

Future-proofing or extending your home should not have to be a stressful experience; with professional guidance, you can create a space that's not only functional but also adds value to your home and quality of life.

If you're still unsure about your renovation plans and want to speak to a professional, please feel free to reach out to our team for a consultation, and we'll be happy to walk you through some of the options and even create a 3D model of possible ideas. Once you're ready to move from the idea phase to the building phase, our team will be ready to support you, source materials from high-quality suppliers and help you build your dream space. 

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